It is that time of the year again when our Evergreen Christian Bookstore hosts a Christian Business Seminar to inspire young Christian entrepreneurs to go about their work in a biblical and God-glorifying way. This year it will be held on Saturday 5th October right here in Lusaka.
Being mindful of the fact that many of our members are first generation Christians, this is a very important part of our work of discipleship. It is very easy for young businessmen and women to go about their careers the way in which the world does. We trust that these seminars will help to inoculate them and inspire them along a more biblical and God-glorifying path.
The theme
The theme this year is “Missions and Business: Can The Two Go Together?” We will be exploring how you can use your business to support the work of church-planting missions. The current challenge of missions will be surveyed, together with a biblical and historical survey of how individuals used their businesses to support the work of missions.
Some models will be analysed to help us see how this can be done and then we will look at what business opportunities are knocking on our doors from the small towns and rural areas of Zambia. Times for discussions and questions have been worked into the programme to ensure maximum benefit to those who will attend this seminar.
The speaker
This year our speaker is Dr Dennis Chiwele. He became a Christian in 1979 after completing secondary school education and joined Lusaka Baptist Church, where he has gone up through the ranks and served both as deacon (1994 to 2002) and as elder (2002 to date). He is now a development economist and has served as a development advisor to various governments, multilateral and bilateral development organisations on the continent of Africa.
Dr Chiwele served in the civil service (up to 1992), and as a member of the advisory board of the Bank of Zambia (up to 2011). He also serves as a researcher and lecturer at the University of Zambia (on-going), and as a development consultant (on-going). He co-founded RuralNet Associates Limited in 1989, a development consultancy firm with special focus on rural development. One can immediately see that we have the right man to lead us in our study.
The extras
Evergreen Christian Bookstore will be at hand with Bibles and books at special discount prices. So, if you will be in attendance, make sure you carry some extra cash on you. One book on sale will be Dr John Temple’s Be Successful, Be Spiritual. If you do not yet have a copy of this book, this will be the time to get yourself one.
Thanks to the proprietors of Dream Valley Lodge, who themselves are Christian entrepreneurs who are seeking to live out what is being taught in these seminars, we will be holding the seminar at their magnificent lodge from 08.30 to 17.30 hours. The fee for attending the seminar is only K170 per person and may be paid upon arrival. If you are coming from outside town, I would recommend that you book yourself in for Friday and Saturday nights. It will result in a most relaxed, educative, and memorable weekend!
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
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