If ignorance in ordinary things is dangerous, then ignorance in
spiritual matters is even more dangerous. I am finding this to be true with
every succeeding day. One of the areas where this has become really worrisome
is in the realm of “spiritual warfare”—and especially in identifying the works
of the devil.
It is not uncommon these days to hear people not only blaming Satan
for all the wrong things taking place around them but—more seriously—accusing
other people of being Satanists. Our church is involved in planting churches in
various cities, towns and villages around Zambia. Almost every church that we
have planted in the recent past has been stigmatised as “Satanists” in its
early stages.
When I have asked what it is about them that has lent itself towards
Satanism, I find that it is nothing more than mere suspicion of the unknown.
Our missionary pastors do not suck anyone’s blood nor do they sleep in nearby
cemeteries. They are ordinary men, husbands, and fathers who ply out their
(spiritual) trade like anyone else. There is nothing eerie or mysterious about
them. So, why call them “Satanists”?
Sometimes it is because white people visit their churches quite
frequently and yet our pastors are Africans. What is it that causes white
people to go there? “They must be Satanists!” Sometimes it is because within a
short time after the establishment of the church, a church building begins to
go up. Where are they getting the money to put up the church building when they
are still new around here? “They must be Satanists!”
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The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in downtown Lusaka |
In other words, anything that we cannot explain must come from the
devil. It is precisely the same ignorance that causes the fear of witchcraft to
thrive in the popular African mind in the village. I recall when remote
controlled TV first came to Zambia. A friend of mine saw this phenomenon one
evening. We were about to give thanks for a meal when our host turned off his
TV with the remote control. My friend leaned over to me and whispered, saying
(in a very worried tone), “Is this not witchcraft?”
Whereas this is often laughable, these suspicions have sometimes taken
on such epic proportions as to whip an entire crowd into an uncontrollable riot.
I recall when the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God put up their first
church building at the Kafue roundabout in Lusaka. In their characteristic
“loud” way, they put up a building that screamed for attention even from a
distance. Part of their church building was earmarked to be a clinic. They even
provided a mortuary where the bodies of their deceased members would be kept,
awaiting burial. Well, the construction workers leaked the news about this
mortuary. “They are Satanists! They even have a mortuary where they will keep
the bodies of the people they kill.” The result of this rumour was a very
serious riot, with crowds engaged in running battles with the police.
Another cult that has suffered from this stigma is the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons). The beautiful church buildings that
they erect in record time have not helped the situation. This is made worse by
the fact that these buildings go up even before they have any congregation. The
people wonder, “Who is putting up this building? Since we do not know them then
they must be Satanists operating at night when we are asleep.” Once the
building is up, they then begin to see young white males in white shirts, black
pants, and with black nametags, visiting their homes with African colleagues.
“Sssshhhh!” they whisper to one another, “the Satanists are here!” The result
of this stigma is that their beautiful church buildings are still largely
empty. They have recently engaged in PR efforts to correct this, even taking
journalists to their buildings to search for any signs of Satanism.
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) in Libala, Lusaka |
I have no sympathy for either of the two cults mentioned above, but
it is still crazy to accuse them of Satanism. Worse still, the accusations
against our own pastors are totally ridiculous. There is absolutely no evidence
that anyone in the neighbourhoods where these accusations are stemming from is
being abducted and forced by any of these churches to use drugs or engage in
sexual rituals. No one is being found tortured, murdered, or cannibalised.
There are no such records in neighbourhood police files.
The Bible, in the Ten Commandments, tells us not to bear false
testimony against our neighbours. The Lord Jesus Christ urges us, in Matthew
18, to confront a brother whom we think is sinning against us, and thus give
him an opportunity to exculpate himself. Our God is a God of truth and hates
fallacies and myths. If we are truly godly, we must be like him. Believing
unverifiable stories, whispered behind other people’s backs, is not God’s way of
doing things. We are serving the devil—not God—when we do this.
Now, please do not get me wrong. I am not saying that Satanism and
witchcraft do not exist. I am sure they do. However, what I am saying is that
the current atmosphere we are in where Satan and Satanism are on everyone’s
mouth is an extreme exaggeration. And the sooner we change the subject to God
and his grace in Christ Jesus the better!
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) in Long Acres, Lusaka |
Sadly, it is often well-meaning Christians who see the devil
everywhere and underneath anything that moves who stigmatise other people as
Satanists. Part of this alarm is, of course, due to ignorance. Their sphere of
knowledge is so limited that anything outside that sphere is suspicious.
“Reformed Baptist? Who are they? They must be Satanists!”
I also cannot help thinking that sometimes this ignorance borders on
emotions of jealousy. It is the kind of accusation of Satanism that successful
business people endure from their not-so-successful competitors. In the
religious sphere, the thinking is something like this: “How come they are
attracting white people to their church when we fail to do so? They must be
Satanists!” What they fail to realise is that the white people fail to stand
the never-ending cycle of danceable but meaningless choruses and the tirade of
scolding at the top of the preacher’s voice that goes by the name of preaching
in their churches. These Caucasians want doctrinally meaningful songs with
progression and “logic on fire” as the Word of God is faithfully expounded.
Thankfully, with most of our churches, the stigma never lasts. Our
pastors and their families live in the community and mingle with the people.
They soon discover that they are sincere servants of God who have come into the
area to plant a church that is based squarely on the truths of God’s Word. But,
while I rejoice in this, I still wonder when we will grow out of this phobia.
This spiritual ignorance is a scandal and it is dangerous!
Unfortunately this is nothing new. Every church we have planted on the Copperbelt over the past 18 years has been accused of the same thing. It has been suggested that we are there to kidnap children, that people who attend the church will die, etc. Once I questioned our team about it (with a bit of a complaining spirit). I was reminded that if we must face those accusations, we are in good company. Jesus was accused of doing ministry on behalf of Satan and through Satan's power.
ReplyDeleteThis ought to serve as a sober reminder to us that we have still have a huge task to reach our "christian" nation with the glorious, life-changing gospel of grace.
Amen, brother!
ReplyDeleteit is so sad that in some quarters of our compounds in Kitwe well meaning people's lives have been threatened.
ReplyDeleterecently a member of our church had a terrible attack of cerebral malaria; we almost suffered at the inquisition of the family, that we satanists and have done something to him. we were only saved by the doctor at the hospital who diagnosed him of a very high temperature resulting from a severe malaria.
thanks for responding to this gospel destructing phobia.
ReplyDeleteI agree about troubles around church stereotypes. But, the Universal Church, needs a lot of "Satan" (in sense of marketing) to promote their services. See, I'm speaking from a Brazilian perspective, where the Universal Church was born. :-)
Thanks for share your point of view about those phenomena in continents like Africa, It's very similar to Brazil.
Honestly, I hope God uses you to plant strong reformed and centered in Christ churches in Africa (specially in Zambia).
Greetings from Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
My blog: www.teologo.org
Igor Miguel
The universal church the kingdom of God is not a devils church first of . Second of watch your words. I'll pray for all of y'all for real. Hopefully someday you know the truth about the Lord foundation at the universal church. Instant of having to judge a church by its cover. I wish you people can read between the lines . And stop assuming things when reality it's not even it .
ReplyDeleteI know a close friend who attends a Universal Church and when I asked her what they believe or what teachings they follow she was vague. I asked if they followed the bible or teachings of JESUS CHRIST she said NO. YOU don't have to be Satan WORSHIPERS to deceive people.. The devil is much more clever than that .He comes as an angel of light..
ReplyDeleteWhen I even try to speak of Scriptures or what Jesus taught or said , she become beligerant and antagonistic.. CASE CLOSED
If you are talking of Mormons, unless you are an innocent member of the church, its foundation are undoubtedly evil. You will have however to endure your pain as a member because everyone should carry their cross and follow the Son of the Living God-Jesus Christ. I have seen the Mormon churches everywhere, from their obelists, positioning within cross-roads in city center, I couldn't fail to suspect a thing even when I was still a teenager. Now, I know for sure who they are, and think the writer of this message knows what am talking about. Be careful you can't Play God tricks!
ReplyDeletewhat foundational beliefs are evil? They do nothing but good and serve.
DeleteUniversal church is not a satanist. Even Jesus they called him Jezeebel (Chief of Demons). They teach the true gospel. Their pastors are coming from broken background full of sadness and sorrows when you hear their testimonies. If you are interested log in UCKG testimonies. THE REASON WHY PEOPLE CANNOT UNDERSTAND THEM THEY TEACH "PURE FAITH" in practical way based on the bible. That is why it is a last resort for those who cannot take life anymore feeling like it is the end of the world. Salvation is the priority for their teaching that is why today I m a WOMAN OF GOD I have abandon what is wrong, I m living the life of self denial to please my Lord. For the first time in my life I have abstain from sexual behaviour since I got divorced for 10 years or consulting whichcraft or drinking associating with wrong people or places. I attempted several times to commit suicide BUT AFTER INVITED TO UNIVERSAL CHURCH I WAS SAT FREE TODAY I LOVE MYSLF, MY FAMILY AND THOSE SURROUNDING ME, above all I love my God.
ReplyDeleteI advice those who are still confused with churches " please find the church which preaches the true gospel based in the bible, grap it and put into practice, the judgement will be based on your deeds not the church, SAVE YOURSELF! Constance
Thank you for your open-mindedness. It is by their works we shall know them.