“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:15-16).
Sunday, 19th June 2011, saw two more missionaries set apart by the Kabwata Baptist Church for the work of church planting—Manasseh Kaonga and Brian Mutale. These men moved on site a few months ago and are labouring away. So this was just their formal send-off. Manasseh is planting Grace Baptist Church in Kapiri Mposhi (about 200 kms north of Lusaka), while Brian is planting Central Baptist Church in Monze (about 300 kms south of Lusaka).
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Elders praying for Brian (left) and Manasseh (right) |
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Manasseh Kaonga |
I got sold out to the world for most of my teenage years, constantly moving with bad company. However, life in bad company (smoking and drinking alcohol) could not give me any lasting peace. I felt stuck in life and started to worry very much about my life in the future. From the time that I quit attending my dad’s church in 1987, through secondary school, up until the end of 1994, I never went to any other church.
It was in 1995, in the second week of February, in the evening, that, from nowhere I saw this American white man accompanied by three Zambians, one of whom I recognised to be my neighbour. They came to our home and I invited them in. The missionary shared God’s word with me. He talked about all men being born sinners, estranged from God, and destined for hell. But he emphasized that God has demonstrated his love to us in Christ, and that I needed to renounce sin and follow Christ for my salvation. That day I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. I joined Fellowship Baptist Church (which is now called “Faith Baptist Church”). I got baptised by immersion on the 19th February 1995.
My calling into the preaching ministry was not a straightforward one, but a gradual persuasion, realised from my devotion to God’s work. I felt secure with much joy and peace in the work of evangelism, and in teaching and preaching God’s word. I simply abandoned everything that I was hoping to pursue in terms of career at that time, just for this cause. At that time I was just an ordinary church member with no plans to go to Bible school. This did not go down too well with my mother (who was a single parent), including my extended family members, neighbours, and friends, who felt like I was just wasting my life. But such criticisms somehow made me bolder and stronger to continue on my new path. There was no turning back, something heavy had gripped my heart, which, when I look back now, was God calling me into full time ministry. In 1997, I went to the Baptist Bible college (whish is accredited to Louisiana Baptist University in America) and studied there for four years.
I feel that God is calling me to plant a new church in Kapiri Mposhi. I first knew Kapiri Mposhi only for its bad reputation from my cousin who lived there for some time. And when time came for me to visit Kapiri Mposhi, I saw a great need for a good Bible-believing church. This time, it is growing very fast with many new residential places opening up where there are no churches. It is quickly becoming a preferred place of residence. That to me means an opportunity for full time ministry. I believe where there are lost souls, there is call for ministry. I want to answer God’s outstanding call to go into that place. Please pray for me.
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Brian Mutale |
From the time I became a Christian I always desired to serve the Lord full time. This finally materialised when I went to do my studies at Centre for Christian Missions in Kitwe. Before going for my theological studies I worked with a ministry called Gates of Glory Ministries. It was under this ministry that I had an opportunity to go to Monze in 2004.
I came to the Reformed Faith in August 2007, through Pastor Emmanuel Sakala who was Pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Chililabombwe. I was sent there by Centre for Christian Missions to do my missions work. He explained to me what the Reformed Faith was and I came to embrace it from that time.
In 2009, I did my internship for three months at Kabwata Baptist Church. My internship started went from 7th September to 22nd November 2009. It was during this period that I was attached to the work in Monze.
I want to go to Monze because of the need that I saw there the first time I went. From 2004 it has been my heart’s desire to labour among the people there. It is by God’s providence that Kabwata Baptist Church started a work there. For me, this is an answered prayer. I look forward to going there to serve the Lord Jesus.
Its indeed heart warming to see men answering the call to labour in areas that are considered hardship areas. I fully agree with what Mannaseh Kaonga said that ".....where there are lost souls, there is call for ministry". May they Lord bless their labours greatly.