My recent preaching trip to the USA was like sweet and sour sauce. Let me begin with the sour part. In all the international trips that I have undertaken before as an itinerant preacher, this one had by far the highest number of frowning providences. I mean, almost anything that could go wrong went wrong. When checking in for the first part of my trip (Lusaka to Johannesburg), I found that I was not on the flight despite having a ticket in my hands. Thankfully, the flight was not full and so after a lot of intercom communication, the lady at the check-in counter allowed me on board. In Johannesburg as I was checking in for my second flight (Johannesburg to Washington) I discovered that the flight had been cancelled. I was referred to the reservations desk to see what could

That was only the beginning of my troubles. Upon arrival in the USA, my suitcase was nowhere to be seen and my phone could not work. I had to buy another phone in order to keep in touch with family, flock and friends, and it was not until a week later that the suitcase finally arrived—with half my souvenirs broken. That’s not all. At the end of the third and last part of my trip (Newark to Indianapolis), we discovered that in Johannesburg the ticketing officer made a mistake on the town from which I was to begin my return trip. He had Indianapolis instead of Kansas City, where I was in fact going to be preaching for Jim Elliff the night before my departure for Zambia. All efforts to change this from the USA failed. We had to recall Lumpuma from retirement in Kitwe in order to help us correct it—and she finally managed to do so two days before my return trip. That was close!
But that was not all. As soon as I could (due to past experience), I ordered some smartphones on the internet for a few Zambian friends but on my last day in the USA they had not yet been delivered to the shipping address. Upon enquiring from the supplier about the delay, he apologised saying that they had forgotten to ship them. On that same last day I had two preaching engagements. For the first appointment, where I preached at a lunch hour fellowship in a bank in Kansas City (see photo below; my preaching was watched live in three other banks--in Boston, New York and California), I preached without my glasses because I forgot them in the restaurant where I had breakfast with the elders of Christ Fellowship. For the second appointment, I still preached without them because this time I broke them just before I ascended the pulpit.

I may have been inconvenienced a few times, but I did not suffer.All this pales into complete insignificance when I compare it to the sufferings that men like Paul went through for the gospel. He says in 2 Cor 11:24-25, “Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea...” Reading that tells me that what I went through is nothing. I may have been inconvenienced a few times, but I did not suffer.
Well, that is what went wrong. But what is it that went right? That is the sweet part. To begin with, God gave me a great sense of peace each time something went wrong and provided for me through his people (especially in clothing me while I waited for my suitcase). I remember in Johannesburg hearing people cursing and swearing because they were unable to get onto their scheduled flights or something. I said to myself, “There go I, but for the grace of God.” I admit that there were a few anxious moments when, like Peter, I looked at the water under my feet instead of keeping my eyes on Jesus. Thankfully, that was not too often the case. The Lord gave me grace to be

Then, despite all the confusion with respect to my travel arrangements, all my preaching engagements took place as scheduled. I preached twelve times in three different states in two weeks as planned—at the First Baptist Church of Carmel, at the FIRE (Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals) conference hosted by the same church, at Christ Community Church in Grand Rapids, and at Christ Fellowship in Kansas City. The Lord helped me. It seems from the little feedback that trickled back to me that the Lord was pleased to own his Word. To him alone be the glory! (Someone has put up a whole lot of photos of the FIRE conference on the net. I appear here, and here, and here and here. You may just want to watch them all!)
Then, I met three people I had wanted to meet for a very long time. The first was Amresh Semurath, whom I met at the FIRE conference together with his wife (see photo). We h

The second person was Dr Joel Beeke (see photo below, with Dr James Grier and me). I do not know how I can express my delight in f-i-n-a-l-l-y meeting him. From the

The third person was Hope (see photo below), my long lost sister whom I last saw eight years ago when she came to Zambia for the funeral of her mother, who was my mother’s immediate younger sister. (Now, I know that to a Western mind, she ought to be my cousin. In our culture, the children of my mother’s sisters and my father’s brothers are my brothers and sister—and it is not just a play on words. It is real). It was good to meet her husband, Mwemba, and their three sons—John, Junior, and Matthew—fine lads! I enjoyed every moment with them. The parting on the third day was the most difficult. Tears freely flowed. Hope, you are truly precious!

Dear Brother Conrad,
ReplyDeleteGreat to read your post. I thank the Lord for men like you who have been called to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The need for men called to preach the whole counsel of God has never been greater than it is in our day and age. I had the wonderful privilege of listening to one of your sermons a few months ago and was greatly blessed. As a fellow minister of the Gospel, I would like to encourage you to keep preaching the Gospel and let's pray for the Lord to do great things through us as we hold forth His Gospel to this dying world. I am originally from Malawi, but currently serving the Lord as a missionary pastor in the British Columbia. Blessings in Christ!!
When things like this happen, we often ask such questions as: Why the test when we try to do our best? The answer: We will understand it by and by. We are grateful God preserved your life brother. Praise be to His great Name.
ReplyDeleteJune 3, 2009 6:47 PM
For a frequent traveller like me, this is very encouraging and heartwarming. Thanks for being generous with the'heart to heart' information. Continue laboring for Christ. God bless you brother.
ReplyDeleteWe rejoice in your ministry and thank God for his faithfulness in all your circumstances. By the time I was reading the last bit of your "sweet experiences," I had almost forgotten the sour side of it. Praise be to God!
ReplyDeleteFor sure brother Amresh must have been equally happy to have met you. From the way he fondly spoke of you when my husband and I met him at the 2008 Missions Conference in Mississippi, it must have truly been a "sweet experience" for both of you. May the Lord continue to bless your labours.
It is always a delight of mine to hear what the Lord is doing in and through you.All the more reason why all mission minded saints should continue to pray for you and the work that the Lord has laid upon your heart. Yes,the world is your parish and KBC should should begin to release you more. Victor Chabala
ReplyDeleteDear brother:
ReplyDeleteAlways keeping up with your travels and with the spreading of God's Word through your ministry. Keep up the good work. May you receive many blessings upon your family.
In Him,
Solano (Brazil)